April 1, 2012

How To Write A difficulty - Writing Conferences - Should You Bother?

You see them advertised all the time, writing conferences in your single area of interest, mystery, romance or Sci-Fi. Some are small and regional with room for 40 or 50 people. Some like Rwa National for romance or the Bouchercon and Left Coast Crime for mystery lovers are large national conventions that draw hundreds or even thousands of attendees. The programs consist of authors who have published in your genre and speak on their writing experiences, workshops for writing techniques but the real petition of a consulation is the editors and agents who attend. Conferences are the best way to meet editors and agents and get your work in front of them.

Conferences normally fee extra for you to have an agent/editor appointment and the money is well worth it. If you send your manuscript over the transom to an agent, it may never get read by the agent. Most agents have first readers who will look at your manuscript and say yea or nay. But if you can get an appointment with an agent or editor, you have the opportunity to pitch your book, face to face. This will also give you the opportunity - if you're a fast talker - to let the person know you are not only an author, but a communal speaker and have ideas to promote the books once it's published and oh, by the way, this work is just the first in a series. With the state the publishing enterprise is in today, agents and editors are not finding for a person to write one book.

They want writers who can deliver several books, whether stand-alone or series. As with any interview, do your best to look and act professionally. This is your writing career we're talking about. Dress as if you were going on a job interview, because you are. When you've accomplished speaking with an agent, thank them for their time. Most agents will ask you to send the first 50 pages of your manuscript with a synopsis. The itsybitsy you get home, send the agent what she's asked for and remind her gently where you met. On the face of your manila envelope, write "Requested Materials" so you well get to the agents desk.
Now all you have to do is sit back, with fingers crossed and wait.

While you're at the practice be sure to take full advantage of not only the classes available, but the communal mixers too. That's a good place to meet agents and editors in a casual atmosphere where you can just smooze with them. I attended a small consulation recently and had an agent appointment, but I also managed to talk to and get the enterprise cards of two other agents and an editor. Be sure to use good sense and use good manners because the publishing world is a small one and you do not want to get a bad reputation. Editors move from house to house and they all know one another, so be on your best behavior but have fun. You never know, this might be the start of your writing career.

How To Write A difficulty - Writing Conferences - Should You Bother?

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