March 29, 2012

Build Your company By Sending Personalized Greeting Cards

In order for person to do company with you they need to know you, like you and trust you from a company perspective. Below I am going to share with you numerous ways to speed up the 'like you' aspect through the use of greeting cards.

For starters, when was the last time you got a greeting card from person that you purchased products or services from? Most of you will talk 'Never' and some of you may even be laughing at this point! Which brings me to my point; most people are over finding this simple, very uncostly means of marketing their company and staying in touch with prospects and clients on a regular basis.

I remember years ago when I received a birthday card from my car insurance agent. I was legitimately amazed and it made me feel good. Good and bad that is. Bad, because it was the only birthday card I received that year. Good, because this guy took the time to 'remember' and 'mail' me a card on my special day. Receiving that card (and subsequent birthday cards) legitimately made an impression on me and made me all the more willing to continue doing company with this singular insurance agent for many years. And, I told others about his card sending habit and passed on his contact data many times.

You can send greeting cards to your company contacts for many reasons, not just birthdays. Receiving greeting cards will make your prospects and clients feel good. They will know you remember them and they in turn will feel good about you or 'like you'. And remember, 'liking you' is one of the requirements before person will do company with you or refer others to you. Below are numerous ideas on how you can effectively consolidate greeting cards into your buyer assistance and marketing programs and speed up the 'like you' process.

You can use a personalized card to 'Thank' person for:

  • A referral that they gave you

  • Their order or their company in general

  • Taking the time to meet with you

    How about a card 'Congratulating' a prospect or client on:
    • Receiving a promotion

    • Winning a large compact for their company

    • Getting married or having a new baby

    • Moving into a new home

    • Receiving a degree they've worked long and hard for

    • Landing a new job
    I sent a greeting card to a local company person that I had only spoken to once. It was congratulating her on her new job with our local newspaper. She called me out of the clear blue to ask questions about my company and to thank me for the card. She said it was on her desk for every person to see and that it was the only card she received congratulating her on her new job. The card made her feel great and her reaction made me thankful that I had taken the time to reach out to her. We now talk and network on a frequent basis. Wow!
      Make person feel good by sending a card that says:
      • Happy Home Anniversary (this works great for whatever that provides a product or assistance to home owners)

      • Happy company Anniversary (anniversary of your first company deal with them)

      • Happy Wedding Anniversary (this will right on get their concentration and probably be one of the few cards...or the only card...they receive)

        Make an impact with 'Birthday' cards by sending them to:
        • Your customer, their spouse And their children (they'll remember that you remembered them and their family)

        • Business and networking contacts

        Send an 'I Enjoyed Meeting You' card:

        • After meeting person for the first time at a room mixer or networking event

        • After doing a presentation for someone

        • After meeting person on an airplane that could be a good company contact

          Use personalized greeting cards to 'Announce':
          • A sale, promo or special offer

          • A special event or open house

          • A milestone company anniversary

          • A new product or service

          • A move and your new address

          Greeting cards that give you a lot of mileage include:

          As you can see, there are many reasons to send greeting cards. Use this list to spark your own creativity and start integrating personalized greeting cards into your buyer assistance and marketing efforts. You will be amazed at the inescapable impact it will have on your incoming referrals, your company network, your lowest line and you personally.

          Build Your company By Sending Personalized Greeting Cards

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