April 5, 2012

The Myth of Human Evolution

Our solar ideas hurtles straight through the universe, spinning and turning with the precision and timing of a fine watch. The biosphere of our planet is perfect, able to forever maintain all life in perfect balance and harmony while requiring the expanding of nothing other than sunlight. The 'simplest' form of life is represented by a one-celled bacteria, acknowledged to be many times more complicated than the most complicated thing ever created by man. However, the living cell also possesses the miraculous potential of self-reproduction! The human body is comprised of at least twenty trillion cells (20,000,000,000,000), each of which is more complicated than a bacterium. Shortly after the human female egg is fertilized it begins producing cells. Somehow, each one of those cells immediately knows where to go and how to begin functioning in aggregate with other cells in the formation of a greater sub-system, and each sub-system understands how to interact with and begin coordinating with many other systems. Hundreds of millions of cells begin forming into what will ultimately become the optic nerve, which is certainly an optics and electrical communications bus of astounding complexity and refinement that allows the brain to process visual data and construe and regulate functions of vision. In fact, the human eye with its complementary systems is infinitely more complicated and refined than the most advanced video camera, and just the lens of the eye represents a level of achievement in visual science that far surpasses the multi-tiered visual systems of the most advanced telescopes. Other processes begin that somehow lead the direction of calcium and mineral carrier cells in the construction of thousands of different, complicated designs of bone and tooth formations of varying densities and consistencies. Some have enamel layering depending on function, and others movable connecting joints with built-in permanent lubrication systems along with blood producing factories placed within bone cores that rehearse nothing less than wonders of technological design. All the while this intelligently guided planning is being organized and inter-coordinated with other processes resulting in the creation of nerve, hormonal, glandular, digestive, lymphatic, pulmonary, muscular, auditory, cardio-circulatory and olfactory systems, sub-systems and organs that reflect a truly incomprehensible degree of complexity, intricacy and engineering mastery. The human brain is by far the most complicated thing in the universe. With the grand advancements in knowledge gained in recent years as to how the brain functions and what it does, scientists will affirm that using presently ready computer technology they could not double the human brain's processing power or data storage capacity even if they could construct a computer the size of the planet earth! (The fastest, most powerful super-computing arrays yet advanced by Ibm and Nec have processing speeds equivalent to at most one-third of the brain-of a tasteless housefly.) In fact, it has been estimated that the power and capacity of the human brain to process and store facts is infinite! Most of what our brains do is performed without our known realization as hundreds of thousands of complex, construe systems are constantly monitored, regulated, controlled and communicated with via untold trillions of study sets per millisecond, 24 hours a day, over a nervous and chemical network that makes the entire world's satellite and fiber optics telecommunications systems combined seem like a crude, uncomplicated and primitive toy. However, the most astounding thing done by the brain is something that no computer can begin to do, which is to enable the generation of traditional known thought, surmise and emotion.

During the 19th Century it was view by scientists that the universe consisted of two basic entities-matter and energy. Due to the great scientific advancements that have occurred in the 20th Century coupled with a deeper awareness and level of thought, it is now seen that there is a third, vastly more foremost entity at work in the universe and that is required for life to exist-information. facts is a mass-less quantity that is not reducible to energy. This awareness is forcing someone else realization that is taking root among many modern scientists and thoughtful people-the acknowledgement that facts is only generated by intelligence, and brain is meaningless, impotent and even impossible apart from an original, driving purpose-in other words a will and a desire-a personality.

Of this kind of science [evolution] it might truly be said that it was `knowledge falsely so called.' " Dr. David C.C. Watson, The Great Brain Robbery (1976).

Almost 150 years after the publication of Darwin's "The Origin of Species", the postulated law of biogenesis remains unchallenged-life can only come from previously existing life. In Darwin's time biologic and organic systems were view to be many, many times simpler than they are known to be today. Just the likelihood of all of the tremendously complicated organic components being formed and then advent together by any imaginary scenario of opportunity to generate the nucleus of cellular life, Dna, can be shown to be an impossibility "of the top order". Yet even then the Dna could not have survived without the equally complex, extremely structured systems of maintain needed and that are present in the simplest living. The double shoreline helix of Dna is called by scientists: "The most densely packed and elaborately detailed assembly of facts in the universe." Far from being able to generate life in a laboratory, scientists today will facilely say that they have only scratched the outside in uncovering the seemingly imponderable mysteries and complexities of organic life. Note: Evolutionists admit that the possibility of the right aggregate of atoms and molecules falling into place to form just one uncomplicated protein molecule is at least 1 in 10 raised to 113- a number that exceeds the estimated total number of atoms contained in all of the billions of stars within each of all the billions of galaxies in the known universe combined! Mathematicians dismiss as having never taken place, even regardless of an infinite time frame, whatever that has a probability of occurrence of less than 1 in 10 raised to 50. But far more than one uncomplicated protein molecule is needed for life. Some 2000 complicated protein molecules are needed just for a cell to sound its activity, and the opportunity that all of them could occur at random is greater than 1 in 10 raised to 40,000! However, many scientists feel that this calculation does not rehearse the most difficult challenge to the spontaneous generation of cellular life, since it doesn't take into notice the issue of structure, in the same way that a huge pile of steel, aluminum, plastic and glass is not automatically structured into a Boeing 777.

"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con men, and the story they are telling may be the most hoax ever. In explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact, it is a tangled mishmash of guessing games and form juggling." - T.N. Tahmisian, physiologist for the U.S. Atomic power Commission.

Within the genetic code of any living thing there is reduction for variation. For example, all members of the feline or cat house could have sprung from just two traditional cats, a male and a female. But inequity and speciation (formation of a new 'species'), among felines does not rehearse evolution since there is no vertical or upward growth in genetic complexity that has occurred. It is an example of horizontal change with no growth in complexity, as when dog or horse breeders selectively breed those animals to bring out determined characteristics. A dog can be bred to a determined size, either smaller or larger, but there is a point at which there is no added change potential since that limit allowed for in the genetic material (Dna), has been reached, and it is impossible for a dog to be inter-fertile with any other house of animal. A dog can never become whatever other than a dog, and there is no evidence to indicate or even propose that it has ever been whatever other than a dog. Roughly all of the so-called 'evidence' of evolution that is cited in textbooks represents this type of horizontal adaptation that occurs continually in all living things, however it would be a unblemished mistake to think of it as evolution as this is not what is taking place. The evolutionary idea that change occurs gradually in living organisms due to the passing on of inherited mutations has been fully discredited, yet this impossibility is still taught as fact in most school systems world-wide! True genetic mutations are extremely rare in nature and of those, 99% are demonstrably harmful to their recipients and render them no beneficial advantage. The extremely small percentages of mutations that are not harmful are seen as being neutral. Finally, Roughly all mutations are repaired and blocked from genetic transference within 3 generations due to the self-rejuvenating nature of Dna. Just as was the case with the peppered moth in 19th Century England, living organisms are constantly giving birth to a wide range of non-exact duplications of themselves that are allowed for within the limits imposed by their genetic sphere, and one singular inequity can become dominant in any people due to the very real process of natural option straight through 'survival of the fittest' (but this never results in vertical, upward change representing increased genetic complexity). Dr. Jay Y. Chien, an internationally respected scientist with the Nanjing construct of Paleontology and Geology in China is best noted for his extensive, groundbreaking explore into the best-preserved fossil fields in the world representative of the 'Cambrian' geologic era, placed in China's Yunnan Province. Dr. Chien has stated that his explore convincingly reveals Darwin's hypothesized 'Tree of Life' to be in reality Roughly exactly the opposite of what Darwin proposed, (Darwin's 'Tree' is always displayed in high-school and college biology texts as accurately representing the history of all evolutionary descent on earth, and is the most predominant icon of evolutionary dogma). However, long-standing explore by scientists into the Cambrian era, evolution's so-called 'Big-Bang', has always shown that Roughly all now existing animal phyla (types) had suddenly appeared in that one geologic time-span. In the words of scientists: "almost overnight", geologically speaking.

"The creation catalogue in Genesis [Bible] and the ideas of evolution could not be reconciled. One must be right and the other wrong. The story of the fossils agreed with the catalogue of Genesis. In the oldest rocks we did not find a series of fossils outside the gradual changes from the most primitive creatures to advanced forms, but rather in the oldest rocks advanced species suddenly appeared. Between every species there was a unblemished absence of intermediate fossils." D.B. Gower, "Scientist Rejects Evolution," Kentish Times, England, December 11, 1975 [biochemist].

Evolutionary explanations have no means of accounting for instinct in living things, which is the pre-programmed potential of some animals, birds and insects to accomplish feats that sometimes reflect what Roughly seems to be a superhuman wisdom. determined ant colonies in sub-Saharan Africa build large above ground communities that incorporate a very ingenious recipe of natural air-conditioning that can sound the interior climatic characteristic of the hill at a level 15 degrees cooler than the outside air. The delicate ant larvae within the community need to be maintained at this lower climatic characteristic or they will not survive. The exact way in which this impressive feat of engineering was finished was studied for many years before it was fully understood, and now the same principle of construct is incorporated in civil engineering allowing for the construction of much more energy-efficient structures. Evolution has no way of rationally explaining how co-dependency in biologic or ecological systems, also called 'irreducible complexity', came about. A very uncomplicated example of this can be graphic by the clotting of blood in all warm-blooded creatures. It has been discovered that the clotting of blood is a very complicated chain of processes sharp 8 cut off chemical reactions. If one reaction does not occur, or if a specific enzyme or other organic factor is not present, blood will not clot. An evolutionary explanation would need us to believe that the first warm-blooded creature had possessed this extremely complicated ability, or it would not have survived, and it would then have needed to pass this potential on as an inherited mutation to its offspring.

"Evolution is baseless and quite incredible." John Ambrose Fleming, President, British connection for the Advancement of Science, in 'The Unleashing of Evolutionary Thought'

Oftentimes, extremely touted bone-fragment finds are disingenuously portrayed straight through the media and in textbooks as representing the 'part animal, part man' ancestors of humans. However, when the fragmented skeletal remains of these purported 'ape-men' are examined by experts in blind studies (when they have no prior knowledge of what they are examining), scientific consensus consistently and virtually always identifies them as representing either the remains of extinct apes, or as in the case of so-called 'Neanderthal Man', of a human with an advanced bone disease. When impressive artistic and digital renderings of these peculiar finding creatures as well as the evolutionary stages they supposedly transitioned straight through are graphically depicted in textbooks, Tv programs and magazines, it is on the basis of pure speculation, imagination and wishful thinking. The strongest 'evidence' that evolutionists have in attempting to prove that there was once an ape that walked on two feet is a very short span of the imbedded hind prints of an ape without together with fore prints placed at the site of an aged volcanic lava flow in Tanzania, Africa; so that this site is world predominant among evolutionists. Insofar as some animals including apes can be witnessed running on their hind legs for short distances today, and given the fact of the lava being extremely hot at the time the ape was there producing the prints, does this constitute proof? Note - evolutionists will admit it is the strongest proof they have!

"What is it [evolution] based upon? Upon nothing whatever but faith, upon confidence in the reality of the unseen, confidence in the fossils that cannot be produced, confidence in the embryological experiments that refuse to come off. It is faith unjustified by works." Dr. Arthur N. Field.

Why would an 'ape-man' that represented an revision over a mere ape go extinct, while its inferior predecessor would not? How is it that flowering plants evolved the necessity of being pollinated by honeybees, therefore requiring a flower, when the atmospheric dispersion recipe used by most non-flowering plants is much more efficient, and why so many different types and colors of flowers when pollinating insects are for the most part attracted to one flower just as well as any other, and are insensitive to color? Should we expect an ape to possess the top level of brain and reasoning potential in the animal world, as an evolutionary model would suggest? however in many specific aspects this is definitely not the case, and an ape is no more sharp thorough than many other animals. In its evolutionary progression toward becoming a reptile, did a fish feel the thousands of changes critical in order to evolve the potential to breath without gills (no small feat), concurrently with evolving the thousands of changes that would have been critical before its fins became reptilian legs? Did the changes that occurred before the fins became usable as legs or the gills became usable as lungs render the fish a survivability advantage, or were many thousands of useless mutations retained and passed on?

"The ideas of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer quadrate with practical scientific knowledge...The Darwinian ideas of descent has not a singular fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the follow of scientific research, but purely the product of imagination." Dr. Albert Fleischman [Erlangen zoologist].

Evolutionists once tried to say that humans possessed hundreds of useless organs that were carry-overs from previous evolutionary stages, what they called 'vestigial organs'. This was prominently cited as a proof of evolution in the past and it was taught as such in school textbooks, but now it is medically recognized that there are no vestigial organs in humans, none at all. It was once view by many evolutionists (and taught in some textbooks), that the human embryo mimicked many stages of its evolutionary past while developing in the womb, including one stage where an exertion was made by the fetus to construct fish gills. This is now acknowledged by healing science to be complete, ridiculous nonsense. Evolutionists like to flaunt the fact that there are species of plants and animals living on the Galapagos Chain of islands that exist nowhere else (located off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos is where Darwin formulated many of his ideas on evolution). however this is insignificant in terms of even suggesting evolution, as those referred to species are closely associated to and inter-fertile with their parent families that do exist on the mainland of Ecuador, so that this represents nothing more than someone else example of horizontal adaptation. In the book "The Blind Watchmaker", Richard Dawkins reveals great imaginary talents in illustrating a purely conjectural explanation of the evolutionary process, while offering certainly no proof of it (and by his own admission the simplest living organism contains at least adequate structured facts to fully fill all 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica!)

"I have always been slightly suspicious of the ideas of evolution because of its potential to catalogue for any asset of living beings... I have therefore tried to see either biological discoveries over the last thirty years or so fit in with Darwin's theory. I do not think that they do. To my mind, the ideas does not stand up at all." Dr. H. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks at Evolution," Physics Bulletin (1980).

While it's true that the ages of some organic specimens are often erroneously reported as being millions or billions of years old, these ages are arrived at 1) straight through the use of radiometric dating techniques that are certainly extremely suspect, and acknowledged to be unreliable due to many factors and variables especially as one goes added back in time, but primarily 2) straight through forcing the age of the specimen to fit into an evaluation that 'seems' cheap agreeing to an arbitrary evolutionary time-frame. The institution of arriving at age estimates in this latter way is widely criticized as an example of what is referred to as the '*circular reasoning' of so much of what constitutes evolutionary logic; the presumption that since evolution is true, therefore this is how old it is, this is how it must have happened, etc-a way of reasoning that is becoming increasingly ostracized for its lack of scientific soundness. Variables that call into demand the validity of radiometric dating methods include ozone layer consistency over time, magnetic field disruption, the very imprecise science of accurately measuring rates of decay (resulting in great disparity of age estimates produced by different laboratories taken from the same sample, or even from the same sample at the same lab), and most fundamentally the extremely flawed assumption that isotopic samples represented a state of zero radioactive decay when first formed. In fact, the trend in science today is to dismiss the validity of ages arrived at straight through radiometric dating for ages over a few thousand years.

"Therefore, a grotesque catalogue of a period some thousands of years ago is taken seriously though it be built by piling extra assumptions on extra assumptions, ad hoc hypothesis [invented for a purpose] on ad hoc hypothesis, and tearing apart the fabric of science whenever it appears convenient. The follow [evolution] is a fantasia which is neither history nor science." James Conant [chemist and previous president, Harvard University], quoted in Origins Research, 1982.

For many people, objections against inspecting the possibility of creation are based on a very narrow, synthetic definition of science, which states that only observable corporal phenomenon belong within the appropriate realm of science to consider. Since creation would need acknowledging the existence of an unseen creator, it is a view they say exists outside of the proper boundaries of science to evaluate. Yet this violates the true spirit of science which is after all a race of uncovering that which is true, and is tantamount to saying that truth cannot be acknowledged. It is true that an sharp creator cannot be seen, but many of the most noted scientists of world history-Copernicus, Confucius, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Einstein, Pasteur, Darwin, Von Braun and many, many more did not doubt the reality of a higher brain behind the existence of the universe.

"Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of being called hypotheses." Dr. Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried (1971).

The Myth of Human Evolution

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