November 9, 2011

Reputation Card Skimming, The Facts You Don't Know

You may say that you would never hand your reputation card over to a stranger and let them walk away but do you perceive that every time you hand your reputation card over to your waiter or waitress you're doing just that. There's implied protection because you're at a legitimate restaurant but you need to perceive that your server very well may be a crook.

The same thing applies to whatever you hand your reputation card to, a cab driver, a branch store employee, a bartender, anyone.

Magnetic Encoder Chip

You've probably heard about skimming but I'm writing about it because the problem is getting worse and there's probably a lot on the subject that you don't know that could create opportunities for thieves.

Skimming is when person steals the reputation card facts while you are development a legitimate transaction. It is typically an "inside job" by a dishonest worker of a legitimate merchant. The thief uses a small electronic device, called a skimmer, to swipe and store hundreds of reputation card numbers.

Once they download the facts onto their computer, they can sell the facts on black-market forums; they can purchase things online, or even create new reputation cards with your facts using blank reputation card stock and a reputation card encoder.

The crook may have the skimmer attached to the belt around their waist, or lay it next to the cash register and then swipe your card twice, once thru the skimmer and once thru the shop computer system.

Restaurants are high risk because you hand your reputation card over to your server and let them walk away with it. The skimming gadget is very small and fits in the palm of their hand, or it can be in their sock, or even their apron. It's quick and easy for the server to skim your card and obtain the data needed. If they're working with a partner, they can even skim your card, have it duplicated, and start using the card to make purchases all before you've even left the restaurant.

When you pay with a card in Europe, they use pay at the table transaction devices where they bring the apparatus to your table so that your card is never out of your site. For our safety, American restaurants need to start doing the same thing. The transported devices are available, we just need them to start using them.

You may think that using an Atm would be safe but, Atm and debit-card fraud is the top area of concern for banks all over the world. Confidentially owned Atm's are the highest risk because a skimming gadget can in fact be added inside the Atm where you can't see it. Or if the Atm is in an obscure place it can be in fact tampered with. But even your bank Atm is a risk because crooks add fake card readers, or skimmers, over the real card-entry slot. When you put your card in the slot it first goes through the skimmer, where the facts is collected. Then they whether use a pinhole camera or they attach a keypad overlay to record your Pin number. To protect yourself, don't use Atms. However, if have to use an Atm then be sure to use your banks Atm machine, check to be sure that a fake card reader or keypad overlay hasn't been attached, and cover the keypad as you enter your Pin.

Gas pumps are notorious for skimming because they use a universal key allowing thieves to insert a skimming gadget inside the pump where it can't be seen. It's a big problem anywhere but in a Northern Florida county and also in West Covina, California local law-enforcement officials recommend consumers use only cash to pay for gas after skimming attacks at gas stations surged. To protect yourself, pay with cash. If you have to use a card then be sure it's a reputation card and not your debit card.

The national craft store chain "Michael's" was victim to a new debit-card skimming project where thieves managed to hack the debit-processing equipment at 80 locations in 20 states. They were able to right away double customers' cards and begin development cash withdrawals. The chain won't give details on how it happened but they substituted all of their debit-processing equipment so it appears that the skimming gadget was added to the inside of the equipment where it wasn't detectable.

Credit and debit card skimming is getting much worse here in the United States. Currently, you have a one-in-five chance of being a victim, and this trend is persisting up because there is a migration of fraud from Europe here to the Us.

Most countries have converted, or they're in the process of converting, to using smart cards. They don't use magnetic-stripe technology on the back of the cards anymore like we do. Instead they use a card that relies on an embedded micro-chip for the storage of data.

Now that the cards in Europe are protected, criminals are increasingly targeting U.S. Cardholders. Although all types of cards are at risk, crooks more often target debit card holders.

Credit-card thieves use your card to purchase merchandise and then resell that merchandise so they can get cash. However, debit card thieves get cash without the hassle of buying and selling merchandise. So you can see why that's more appealing.

By selection and sometimes by necessity, American consumers are increasingly relying on debit rather than reputation cards. As they use their debit cards and thieves continue to target debit card users, those consumers have a very high chance of becoming a victim.

When person steals and uses your reputation card, charges are made but no money comes out of your account. When you get the statement you can call the reputation card firm and record the misuse and dispute the charges. When you use a debit card, the money is immediately taken from your checking list and if you come to be a victim it can take as long as 30 days, and sometimes even longer for that money to get returned to you. If you have no other money source, this can cause financial hardships and havoc in your life.

Here's what you can do to protect yourself:

The best thing you can do is always pay with cash. This alleviates all risk. The next selection would be to use your reputation card because you can check your statement each month and dispute charges you haven't made. Never pay using your debit card. If you do, thieves can in fact clean out your list because the money is taken out right away.

If you must use a debit card, then create a checking list just for debit card use and then have the majority of your money in a separate checking or savings account. Just perceive that any money that you have in that debit card list is at risk so only add what you are able to live without for a while if it is stolen.

Then when you use that debit card, always pick the screen prompt that identifies it as a reputation card so that you do not have to type in your Pin. The purchase whole will still be immediately deducted from your bank account, but it will be processed through a credit-card network, which will give you greater protection from liability if fraud does occur.

If for some intuit you need to use you Pin, always cover the keypad with your other hand and your body so that no one, including small cameras, can get your Pin.

It's a good idea to go online and check your bank and reputation card transactions weekly, however, if you won't do that then be sure that you at least check your statements once each month to spot and record any unauthorized reputation or debit transactions as fast as possible.

If your card is lost or stolen, you'll normally get most of your money back, but only if you record it right away. That's why it's important to monitor your reputation card and bank accounts so that you'll consideration the problem and be able to record it right away.

If you're going to give your card to anyone, be sure to keep an eye on what they do with it.

At restaurants, if you're paying with a debit card and they need to take the card away from you, then go with them so that you can keep an eye on it.

Last, talk to restaurant owners and managers and encourage them to use pay at the table transaction devices where they bring the apparatus to you so that your card is never out of site.

Copyright © 2011 / protect Yourself, Llc

reputation Card Skimming, The Facts You Don't Know

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